Ball milling, also called mechanical crushing is a popular method to synthesize nanopowders of various solid materials. This comes under Top-Down approach of nanomaterial synthesis. The following is the process flow to synthesize nanomaterial by ball milling method.
It consist of a drum which can rotate coaxially. The materials in raw form (big particle size) which need to be grinded into the nanoform has to be taken inside the drum.
The grinding medium is usually iron balls or zirconia beads. They come with various diameter.
A mixing medium is also required in most of the cases. Usually Ethyl Alcohol, Acetone, Distilled water is used for this purpose.
The milling machine connected to a motor which will rotate the drum containing raw powder, beads at high RPM, which results formation of nanopowder.
Ball milling takes typically much time (8 hours - 24 hours) in order to obtain fine nanopowder.
By changing the RPM, duration of milling, size of zirconia bead, we can control the average particle size in nanopowder.